Take-Off From a Forced Landing

Take-Off From a Forced Landing, Performance Video, Joyce Theater, New York, 1984, from Cooper Hewiit on Vimeo.
An audio described version of this video is available for individuals who are blind or have low-vision. 

Take-Off From a Forced Landing is dancer and choreographer Dianne McIntyre’s tribute to her mother Dorothy Layne who, despite earning her private pilot’s license in 1939, was not able to realize a career in flying. The work combines spoken word, live and recorded music, dance, and lighting effects to narrate the internal and external struggles of a Black family. Smith’s cotton jumpsuits and patterned separates used for the composition reflect his own interest in dressing for utility. He referenced military uniforms and work wear throughout his entire career, beginning in his early collections for Digits.
This website was designed by and created in collaboration with Cargo, as part of its ongoing initiative to support arts, design and culture.

This website was designed by and created in collaboration with Cargo, as part of its ongoing initiative to support arts, design and culture.